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Advice to My Younger Self

Writer's picture: power5mentalitypower5mentality

I saw a TikTok the other day of someone listing nine things they wished all teenage girls knew growing up. So, in my mind that progressed into nine things, I wished all women knew before working in college athletics.

  1. You are going to love this job: You get to be creative, watch sports and learn so much about yourself.

  2. You are also going to (at times) hate this job: And that is okay! You are allowed to question. You are allowed to yell at the air on your drive home. That is life and that is ok.

  3. Your mental health is NEVER more important than the job: Read that again. Make sure you rest. Make sure you are drinking water and eating good food. Also, give yourself time to be frustrated and then let it go. Because to love your job you have to love yourself.

  4. Say no when you can: Taking pride in having a long to-do list is not helpful and only can lead to issues. Say no. Say yes more than you say no, but don’t forget that no is there for a reason.

  5. Power 5 is not the end all be all: Amazing stuff happens at the other levels of college athletics. Don’t limit yourself. #P5M

  6. Send the email/DM: Ask if you can help at events. Network. Ask questions. Most athletic departments are searching for help, so just press send!

  7. Have a dream but be okay when that dream changes: Don’t cling on to a dream because it is familiar. Edit your dream as you learn and grow in your career.

  8. Be proud that you know more about sports than some boys: You know your stuff and you belong in the position you are in. Don’t belittle yourself to fit a mold that others put you in!

  9. You are enough: No matter what working in sports throws at you. You are doing the best you can and that is all you can do.

  10. BONUS: Make friends on Twitter. The athletics professionals Twitter is an amazing, fun, and supportive place.

Keep learning. Have fun. Wear a mask.

- Emily McMillan (@emily_mcm16)



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