I bet you’re worried about the state of the United States right now,
I bet you're worried about if you’re job is safe right now,
I bet you’re worried if you’re safe from COVID-19 right,
For me, all three of those scenarios happen all at once, and there was nothing I could do about it.
In order to understand my story a little bit, let’s rewind. 1st, I’m from Montgomery, AL. I went to school in Birmingham, AL. I graduated from Samford University while gaining valuable experience at my previous employer before taking a leap of faith and moving to the East Coast for another position. From February 2020 it was a rough transition just moving from Birmingham, AL to Charleston, S.C. Then a month later our country was declared in a state of a pandemic. Enter WFH (work from home) in my daily life, as a new resident, in a new town, and most of the spring sports canceled due to the pandemic and conference protocols.
From April 2020 I knew the next few months were going to be crucial for college athletics, especially the mid-majors. According to few soft reports, at the time, power five schools were going to potentially look into budget cuts to salvage the business of college athletics. That, unfortunately for some people, the loss of jobs. For me, I happen to be one of the few.
When I took the position at The Citadel, it was a great opportunity for me to expand my horizon, and gain more experience in a different setting. And, in my opinion, I thought I was doing a great job, even in my short time employed. The Citadel, a team in the Southern Conference, a Mid-Major conference in Division One, was a school on the horizon, in a great city in Charleston to have a great impact for success, not just for the student-athletes, but the community as well. Then, enter COVID-19.
As well as anybody knows, at least earlier in 2020, there was plenty of uncertainty. Physical health, job status, mental health, you name it, it was definitely a problem in 2020. For me it was definitely challenging. First, I moved to a new city a month before a pandemic was announced globally. Then, just like others, it was a challenge working from home, on a daily basis. Also, another point of emphasis, the turmoil of equality that people were fighting for in our country. Plenty to weigh on a heavy heart, while working, while attempting to stay sane.
Just like many, eventually, I got called into a private meeting, informing me about the termination of my position. At first, shocked. Very shocked. Unbelievably shocked. On one side (the business side) I understood the decision. At the same time (the human side), I was upset, not going to lie to you all. It was so surprising after the current situation of our external department. Needless to say, my job was going to be terminated.
I will say this, I wish no evil on anyone. If you know personally, or on social media (check the tweets), I’m a fun guy (Don’t sue me Kawhi). My personality is about being fun to be around, and despite this news, the best thing it to keep the spirits up and looking for other positions. That being said, however, there were times of giving up and vulnerability to admitting defeat.
Now, in late October, I am still actively pursuing a job, during a worldwide pandemic nonetheless. But I am optimistic. I hope to secure a position somewhere in the country and give my all for a university or organization. I guess my advice to people my age or younger: Don’t give up if sports if your dream to work in. I didn’t give up on it when graduating college and I not giving up on it now. They say patience is a virtue, it’s it for sure. I hope I can help anyone be in touch of their vulnerable side of this world we live in.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, not just about marketing or college athletics. Just about anything, unfortunately for me, I’m outgoing so I can have a conversation about anything! Thank you Scott for allow me to be me during this blog post, and I hope I can aspire the next Emily McMillan, the next Scott Peace, the next Drew Patterson to be yourself, do not be afraid, and have fun with whatever journey you are going to embrace in the future. Good Luck!!!

- Drew Patterson (@DrewP_SportsBiz)