“The uncomfortable combination of effort and acceptance…” That quote came out of a daily blog from Seth Godin and has been something I’ve been using to process the last few months and really the last year. The blog goes on to talk about how every day you have the opportunity to expend the maximum effort towards a worthy goal. And that you must accept what happens after that. The opportunity is:
1. to go all in, and
2. to be okay with what happens after that.
Reading this blog helped me process a lot of things recently (s/o Scott Peace for sharing it with me). It all comes down to what you can control. You can control the effort you put into something… and what you can’t control is what happens after that. Events in the last few months in my life have made me think inwardly a lot. Because of that it was very easy for me to think I was not good enough or the effort I was putting in wasn’t enough. Being so burnt out I couldn’t see how that negative talk was affecting me.
I’ve always been terrified of being seen or think that I’m being seen as not trying hard enough. But acceptance of your current place in life is VERY different from not trying. Because where you are right now is what will equip you for whatever comes next. So when it come to that uncomfortable combination sometimes it’s just best to embrace it because you don’t know where it will take you.
- Emily McMillan (@emily_mcm16)